Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Countdown madness!

How is it possible to have such a long 'to do list' and actually achieve it in a few days?! Things are a little chaotic in our household...we will relax when we are on the plane! At least we have no pets or pot plants to find a home for! I look out my window at home here in Queenstown and feel blessed to live here....people from all over the world come here to experience what Queenstown has to offer, and here we are heading to the other side of the world! America beckons! With snow already settling on the mountains here, it will be great to enjoy Florida's warmer climate. When I was tidying up at home, I came across a  badge that Jim had kept as a momento from when he visited Disneyland when he was about 5 years old... yes a long time ago! It's a badge that has come from one of those machines where you choose what you want printed on the badge. On Jim's badge it reads 'Jimmy Moore Disnexlaod' A few typos when entering his details, one assumes!!!!!
This is it! Goodbye Queenstown!

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