Saturday, 11 June 2011

Travel Snippets

Snakes  in Florida? You bet! They may be in your garden and apparently there are approximately 3,000 recorded snake bites a year, but only 3 people die.

Being struck by lightning is a risk in Florida! Lightning kills more people than the Alligators do. Interesting, where Paul and Sue live (Naples), when the storm is coming and lightning is a risk, the city sirens are triggered, warning people to move to somewhere safe.

There are more than 1 million Alligators in Florida and in Naples (and possibly elsewhere?) there are people whose job is to search all the waterways in the city (there are plenty of them), find the the Alligators that are on the loose and transport them elsewhere. (I expect back to the wild, out of the city)

Alligators travel at a top speed of 18 kph. They rarely chase anything (but I wouldn't trust that theory!) and are more stalkers. (Mothers protecting their young though, can be quite aggressive) In saying that, a friend of my brothers was chased on the golf course by one...luckily that Alligator only had 3 legs!!!!!

Learning to drive on the right side of the road is one thing (however Jim had that pretty mastered) but learning a few of their minor road rules is another challenge! You can take a free turn right on a red light! (in NZ this rule would equate to being able to take a free turn left on a red light) That was the rule in Florida anyway and we never did discover whether that rule actually applied in California as well, but we did it anyway!!!! Another thing, is weirdly there is no give way rule at intersections where their are no lights. The rule is 'first there gets the right of way'. Well that did create some confusion for us Kiwis...too much if, but and maybe....and always thinking " who has the right of way" so there was much hovering at intersections!

People say that New Zealand has lots of weird words to pronounce and a whole slang language of our own...and we do! All countries do I am sure...and America has it's fair share...we were fascinated. How about  Whooperwill Lane, Sour Puckeroon Gummies  and Cotton Candy?!

Californian strawberries are the best! The best! THE BEST! I have never tasted strawberries this good! They are in a league all of their own!

But in saying that, the best and crunchiest apples I tasted were the ones in NZ before we left, and the ones in NZ on our return. Nothing on our travels came close.

Never really got used to the whole tipping thing. It was recommended that we tip 20%, but couldn't get used to having to tip when the service was only average. Isn't the whole idea to tip for good service? But we felt like we would be tight travellers if we didn't tip, so you feel kinda 'stuck between a rock and a hard place'!

1 cent coins! They should be banned! You just end up with so many of them! Everything you buy is 'plus tax' so your drink at the shop would be advertised as $3.00 plus tax. I think the NZ system is much better, with having the GST already added on and included in the retail price. Maybe it's just what you are used to......

Such silly things I remember - America has great natural almonds..they are so fresh. I am sure it has something to do with their superb packaging. They come in a container that is like a tin (with cardboard sides) rather than a plastic packet.

Starbucks - They are everywhere. Must say though, the iced 'coconut mocha frappuccino' was so damn good! And I don't normally even drink coffee. Granny, you would love it  - a variation of your iced coffee!

Carls Jnr wasn't so hot! Tried my first Carls Jnr Green Burrito... and it will definitely be my last!

'Say whaaaaaaaaaaat?'

They really do chew gum......

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