Monday, 2 May 2011

Sue - I'm developing a taste for Baseball but those 'dogs' sure ain't real food!

A holiday in America wouldn't be complete without at least one Baseball game, so off we went to Fort Myers to see Fort Myers play Bradenton.(not top league teams, but 'feeder' teams where players are trained/groomed for the big league) These players have incredible skills, with balls being pitched at 90 mph! They make it look easy! 

We have also been to a few of Brandon's games and I have been really impressed with the awesome ball skills those kids have. 

At the game they were giving away free 'dogs' (hotdogs). I took the foil off ready to indulge, but I just could not eat it. No way! No way! No way! Apparently there is a record for eating 60 something dogs in a minute - now that is impossible to comprehend! 

As you can see, Matt thought the dogs were pretty tasty.

Matthew indulges in a 'dog' - he's far braver than his Mum!

All the kids also managed to eat two of the largest bags of popcorn I have ever seen. I spent the whole game with my eyes glued to the ball - loads were hit at full speed back into the crowd, and with my history of head injuries (skiing, surfing, more skiing, name it head is like a beacon), I wasn't taking any risks! 

All in all, a great game to watch. 

Some of the top league players are the highest paid players of any sport in the's big business here in the U.S!

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